Mapping Orah Rolls and Excuses to your SIS

This video outlines how to configure the integration of class attendance roll types and excuses from Orah to a Student Information System (SIS), using Blackbaud as an example. It provides a detailed guide on setting up sync objects for role records and pass records, mapping role codes and excuse categories to corresponding SIS entries, and ensuring data consistency across platforms for accurate reporting and transcript management.

Checklist for completing this lesson:

  1. Configure the integration settings for role records by mapping Aura role types to SIS role codes.
  2. Set up sync for pass or excuse records, ensuring they correspond to excused absences in the SIS.
  3. Verify that all mappings and sync settings are saved and functional, ensuring seamless data transfer between Aura and your SIS.

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Lesson Checklist

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Configure the integration settings for roll records by mapping Orah roll types to SIS roll codes
Set up sync for pass or excuse records, ensuring they correspond to excused absences in the SIS
Verify that all mappings and sync settings are saved and functional, ensuring seamless data transfer

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