Orah Academy > Getting Started with Orah > Orah 101 > Orah for Identifying At-Risk Students - Overview

Orah for Identifying At-Risk Students - Overview

Orah for Identifying At-Risk Students

Welcome to "Orah for Identifying At-Risk Students," your introductory guide to managing student well-being with Orah. This interactive will walk you through the core features of Orah's student well-being tools, and give you ideas for how you could utilize them at your school.

What You'll Learn:

  • How Mood Checks work: One of the core tools schools use to identify at-risk students.
  • Conducting Student Surveys: Learn how Orah enables schools to conduct surveys differently, so engagement stays high.
  • Managing the Student Support Library: Understand how the Orah app and support library works for schools and students.
  • How Behavior Notes work in Orah: We'll show you how this works, and inspire some ideas for your school.

What are the steps to get started?

Get a demo or contact your Orah representative to see if your school is a fit for Orah Nurture.

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Complete the interactive demo
Consider your school's current approach to identifying and supporting at-risk students
Contact the Orah team if want help identifying at-risk students

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With Orah, you are equipped to meet and exceed your duty of care. Talk to us today to see how Orah can work at your school.

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