Orah Academy > Getting Started with Orah > Orah 101 > Orah for Attendance & Location Management - Overview

Orah for Attendance & Location Management - Overview

Orah for Attendance 101

Welcome to "Orah for Attendance 101," your introductory guide to managing attendance with Orah. This lesson will walk you through the essential steps to set up, manage, and optimize class attendance and location tracking for your school using Orah's powerful features.

What You'll Learn:

  • Setting Up Attendance: Configure your attendance settings to fit your school's needs.
  • Using Roll Checks: Learn how to take attendance using various roll check methods.
  • Managing Passes: Understand how to handle student absences and excused passes.
  • Syncing with SIS: Ensure your attendance data integrates seamlessly with your Student Information System (SIS).

What are the steps to get started?

1. Sync Orah with your SIS

  • Importing Students: You can import your student database via a CSV file or sync via an integration with your SIS.
  • Integration: If you are using an SIS, refer to Orah's integrations page to configure your connection. Supported systems include Veracross, Blackbaud, TASS, and iSAMS among others​ (see all integrations)​​

2. Configuring Passes, Locations, and Rolls

  • Passes: Create custom passes for different types of student absences (e.g., medical leave, college trips). Passes can be configured to require approvals and to automatically start and end based on set times​ (see help guide)​.
  • Locations and Rolls: Set up locations for attendance tracking and configure both manual and automatic roll checks. Class Attendance roll types should be used for scheduled classes, while Daily Rolls can be used for general attendance tracking​ (Read more about class attendance)​.

3. Training and Informing Users

  • Staff and Student Training: Use Orah's training resources to familiarize staff and students with the platform. Provide guides and conduct sessions to ensure everyone knows how to use the attendance features effectively​ (Help Guide)​.
  • Parent Communication: Inform parents about Orah and how they can use it to monitor their child's attendance and request passes.

4. Assigning Roles and Permissions

  • User Roles: Define and assign roles such as teachers, coaches, and attendance managers. Each role can have customized permissions based on what access they need (e.g., taking attendance, managing records)​ (Help Guide)​.
  • Permissions: Set specific permissions for user roles to ensure data integrity and security. For example, only attendance managers might have access to edit attendance records or approve passes​ (Orah)​.

5. Go Live

  • Final Checks: Before going live, ensure all data is correctly imported, and all configurations are tested. Set up dummy accounts for testing if necessary.
  • Launch: Once everything is set up and tested, invite staff and students to create their accounts and start using Orah for their attendance needs.

Get a demo

If you like what you see here, we encourage schools to book a demo call with the Orah team to outline options and setup a plan for success. We do not want schools to purchase more modules than they can implement at once, instead, the Orah team is well versed in the implementation and training process and serve as a trusted resource for your team.

Trial Orah Attendance today

What's included in the Orah Attendance base tier?

  • Automatic Reminders: Set up automatic email reminders for incomplete roll checks to help ensure timely attendance marking​ (Help Guide)​.
  • Attendance Insights: Use Orah's dashboard to gain insights into attendance patterns and identify any at-risk students. (Sign up free)

For more detailed guides and support, visit Orah Supervise Help Guide and Orah Integrations.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to efficiently managing attendance with Orah, ensuring accurate records and improving student accountability.

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Orah for Identifying At-Risk Students - Overview
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