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Berkhamsted School

Berkhamsted School's shift to Orah represents a significant milestone in the adoption of digital solutions within the educational sector

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School Type:
Independent School for Boys and Girls
Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK
"[Orah is an] excellent software and system that fits in very easily with something the students use every day (their smartphone)"
Andrew Ottaway
Head of Economics and Business
Berkhamsted School

Berkhamsted School's Digital Leap with Orah

School Profile

Founded in 1541 by Henry VIII, Berkhamsted School combines a rich history with a forward-looking approach to education. The school has preserved its historical essence while embracing modern educational practices. Berkhamsted School stands as a beacon of comprehensive, modern education, deeply rooted in historical values while embracing the challenges of the future. It’s a place where each child is known, nurtured, and guided towards becoming remarkable individuals, equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.


Berkhamsted School underwent a significant transformation in boarding student management with the implementation of Orah. Moving away from manual, labor-intensive methods, the school adopted Orah's digital solution, leading to enhanced efficiency and accuracy in student tracking and overall management.

Challenges Faced

  • Manual Tracking System: Reliance on traditional tick sheets and signing out books was inefficient and prone to errors.
  • Inefficient Boarding Management: The lack of a digital system led to operational challenges, hindering effective student oversight.

The Need for Change

Recognizing the limitations of its existing system, Berkhamsted sought a modern, digital solution to revamp its boarding management process, aligning with its ethos of blending tradition with innovation.

Adopting Orah: A Strategic Decision

Orah was selected for its cutting-edge approach tailored for boarding schools. Key offerings included:

  • Digital Transformation: Shifting from manual to a sophisticated digital platform, thereby streamlining processes.
  • Accurate Student Tracking: Enhanced ability to quickly and accurately locate students, improving management efficiency.

Results: A New Era of Efficiency

  • Operational Transformation: The adoption of Orah's digital system significantly eased the administrative burden.
  • Enhanced Student Safety and Management: The precise tracking capabilities of Orah led to improved student safety and wellbeing.

Staff Insights

Andrew Ottaway of Berkhamsted School lauds Orah for its excellent integration with their operations, highlighting the synergy between the school's traditional values and modern technological solutions.

Andrew says, "[Orah is an] excellent software and system that fits in very easily with something the students use every day (their smartphone)" when speaking about the students ability to submit pass requests, submit surveys or mood checks on-the-go.

Feedback and Future Direction

"[I am] really pleased with the customer service support - keep up the good work!"

The school applauds Orah's customer service and seeks further enhancements in system integration. Berkhamsted is committed to evolving alongside Orah', frequently seeking ways to optimise student life management.


Berkhamsted School's shift to Orah represents a significant milestone in the adoption of digital solutions within the educational sector. This case study demonstrates the impact of the right technology in enhancing the management of traditional boarding schools, setting new standards in operational efficiency and student welfare.

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