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Orah 2024 Recap Image

2024 Recap

2024 was a busy year jam-packed with core product changes and new updates that work towards making independent schools safer than ever before. This article is a quick summary of all the primary releases made in the last 12 months.

Product Update

Student Attendance Insights: New from Orah

The Student Attendance Insights is now available on a student profile page within Orah. It is essentially a tab within a student’s profile that aggregates attendance metrics, course specific data and filters.

Product Update

Announcing Multiple Active Passes for Day and Boarding Schools

Managing passes has just become more flexible and seamless with Orah. We’re excited to announce the release of our Multiple Active Passes feature, designed to improve how schools manage passes for students across both day and boarding.

Product Update

Attendance Alerts Just Got a Helpful Upgrade

Previously, you could only select one recipient type for an attendance alert. Now, you can include all three recipient types in a single alert.

Product Update
Orah CEO, Matt Varley

Introducing Orah’s new CEO

It’s our great pleasure to introduce our new CEO, Matt Varley. Matt will be starting officially as Orah’s CEO from November this year.

Free Attendance Sheet Template for Easy Record Keeping

Attendance Sheet Examples: Free Template for Easy Record Keeping

Maintaining accurate attendance records is crucial for educational institutions. A well-organized attendance sheet can help streamline the process of tracking student presence, tardiness, and absences.


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What's On?

Attendance Alerts | Google Sheets Template

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Built using feedback from some of the world's top schools, discover how to set up Attendance Alerts for your school with this template.

Attendance Sheet | Google Sheets Template

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This free Google Sheets template can be used by teachers who want to take attendance quickly and easily

The Flourish Model | Orah Survey Template

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The Flourish Project

A tool for schools to understand and improve student wellbeing, based on the Flourish Model and Maslow's hierarchy.