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Get all the transport details you need for your student leave requests

Vincent Paget

December 8, 2016

When processing off-campus leave requests, one of the most important details you need to know is how your students will be getting from A to B.If they’re departing by car, you might need to know the name of the person driving and the car's registration number.Similarly, if they’re returning by plane, you might need to know the name of the airport they’re flying into, flight number, time of their flight and booking reference.All these kinds of details are important because they tell you exactly how your students will be travelling from A to B, and allow you to confidently account for your students safety when they transition from your care to the care of their host, guardian or parent.And this is exactly what we've been focusing on in our most recent update. With our latest improvement, you can now use custom fields to record more detailed transport information and account for multiple modes of transport.

Custom transport information

When you’re creating a new leave type, not only can you decide which modes of transport you’d like to offer, but you can now also create custom fields to gather more detailed information about their travel plans. All you have to do is simply define what information you need for each mode of transport.


For example, you could add custom fields for students travelling by plane to record the “Flight number” and “Booking reference”. This way the next time someone selects the Plane transport option, they will be automatically prompted to fill out that information.Students will only see the transport types you define and you can create as many custom fields as you need to ensure that you have a detailed record of their journey.We’ve also included a “School Drop off” and “School Pick up” transport option. So you can quickly see who will be responsible for picking them up or dropping them off.

Multi-Leg Transport


Sometimes students will have to take multiple modes of transport to reach their destination and it’s important for you to know their travel details at every stage.

That’s why we’ve added the option for students to include multiple modes of transport for every leg of their journey. So you have all the information you need to make well-informed approvals and ensure they reach their destination safely.Sometimes we release big, new, game-changing features like live rolls, and sometimes we release small improvements to existing features like this one. This balance of big and small updates ensures that Boardingware continues to innovate with new functionality whilst also optimising our existing features to give you to best possible experience.So if you’d like to be kept up to date with out latest product news, both big and small, make sure you subscribe to our blog and follow us on social media :)[marketo-fat form="1107"]

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Vincent Paget

I'm a kiwi living in London and who has been part of Orah since 2015. Working in operations, my passion lies in finding efficiencies and scalabilities in all areas of the business. Beyond the office, I'm all about outdoor adventures like football and fishing, along with music, travel, and quality time with friends and family, especially my dog.

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